Gilmore Girls Trivia with D9

Join us for our first-ever Gilmore Girls trivia night! We'll be launching the D9 Confectioners series of dessert ales all on draft: Glazed Donut, Raspberry Cheesecake, Cotton Candy Saltwater Taffy, and Watermelon Lime Rickey {...}

Tailgate on the Square

Kick off college football season in Downtown Gainesville! Your downtown businesses are joining together to bring you a giant inflatable TV screen to watch the big games of the day at Gainesville's first tailgate {...}

Parks & Rec Trivia with Terrapin

Parks & Rec wins our trivia vote this week! One more themed blowout before our epic trivia tournament begins next week. ???? We're welcoming Terrapin Brewing with some great prizes & beer, so mark {...}

Bacon & Wine Pairing

Everything is better with bacon....or is it wine? Let's face it, bacon and wine are two of the top reasons for existing on this planet. So come join us for a 4-course pairing of {...}