Mac & Cheese & Wine

Our next series in food and wine pairings will feature four styles of mac and cheese paired with four classic wines. Mark your calendars for a delicious evening!

Harry Potter Wine Night

Harry Potter Wine Night? What could be better? We'll have a delicious and creative lineup of four Harry Potter-inspired dishes, expertly paired with four wines. Bring out yourself and all your Potterhead friends for {...}

Geoff Achison Live

Award-winning, internationally-renowned, Australian blues legend Geoff Achison will be making a stop in Downtown Gainesville for a FREE live performance on Saturday, Oct. 20! Stay tuned for info on openers and more details, and {...}

Adult Halloween!

Gainesville's biggest party is back! The 4th annual Adult Halloween is going to be the best yet, with music, dancing, costume contests, drinks, and a night of grown-up fun, all for free! Start planning {...}