Mac & Cheese & Wine

Our next series in food and wine pairings will feature four styles of mac and cheese paired with four classic wines. Mark your calendars for a delicious evening!

Harry Potter Wine Night

Harry Potter Wine Night? What could be better? We'll have a delicious and creative lineup of four Harry Potter-inspired dishes, expertly paired with four wines. Bring out yourself and all your Potterhead friends for {...}

Girl Scout Cookie & Wine Pairing

Finally the time has arrived...Girl Scout Cookie season is coming and we're kicking off our series of cookie pairings on February 5! Don't miss the first perfectly matched wine and cookie flight. ????????

GIrl Scout Cookies & Wine Part 2

Whether you made it to our last pairing or not, we have all new cookies and all new wines in our next lineup, so come out for a perfectly selected combo of four wines {...}